2016 Winnipeg Scottish Festival February 20, 2016
Primary 6 Years

1) Brooke Aronson 2) Emma MacDonald 3=) Evelyn Clyde 3=) Thea Conley 5) Payton Young 6=) Veronica Daniel 6=) Clare Anderson
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Dance Results
Highland Fling
1 Brooke Aronson
2 Emma MacDonald
3 Veronica Daniel
4 Payton Young
Sword Dance
1 Brooke Aronson
2 Emma MacDonald
Pas de Basques
1 Brooke Aronson
2 Evelyn Clyde
3 Emma MacDonald
4 Payton Young
5 Thea Conley
6 Isla Anderson
Pas de Basques & HC
1 Brooke Aronson
2 Thea Conley
3 Clare Anderson
4 Mackenzie Maher
5 Evelyn Clyde
6 Emma MacDonald

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Computed by Highland Scrutineer (www.highlandscrutineer.com)